করোনা ভাইরাসের এই মহামারীই সময়ে আমাদের জীবনযাত্রা বদলে গেছে অনেকটাই । এই সময়ে প্রযুক্তিগত নানান ইনোভেটিভ আইডিয়া প্রভাব রাখতে করতে পারে সবার জীবনে । স্বাস্থ্য, শিক্ষা, কৃষি ও সচেতনতা বিষয়ক এমন ইনোভেটিভ টেক টুল কিংবা সোসিয়াল মিডিয়া ক্যাম্পেইন আইডিয়া খুঁজছে "New Normal Hackathon" । "New Normal Hackathon" -এ প্রজেক্ট জমা দিয়ে পেতে পারেন মেন্টরিং, ট্রেইনিং এবং জাজদের সামনে পিচ করার সুযোগ । ৩টি বিজয়ী টিম প্রজেক্টটি বাস্তবায়ন করতে পাবে ৫০,০০০ টাকা মূল্যমানের পুরস্কার । আজই রেজিস্ট্রেশন করুন । একা কিংবা ৪ জনের টিম নিয়ে একটি প্রজেক্ট জমা দেয়া যাবে ।


With the increasing number of people affected by COVID-19, it is necessary to locally bring innovative solutions using the latest technology where the solution will be able to help affected and non affected people and the society to tackle the solution. Students, Young Professionals, Startups and Social Development Professionals will be invited online to participate in a week-long hackathon where they will learn, code & brainstorm together to create digital solutions for COVID-19 in Bangladesh. Winning ideas/projects will be awarded and possibly implemented.

Why You Should Join?

Organizers will offer a fund of BDT 50,000 to build the first version of your product/campaign and further support. Top participants will get opportunity to pitch infront of experts and everyone participating will win certificates and mentorship.

Health Innovations

Health has always been an important sector and during this outbreak, this sector took the most attention in terms of new innovation. The question is no longer whether we should strengthen our healthcare infrastructure but the question is how. Here the health innovation comes. Digital transformation has been accelerated that agility translates into the fight against COVID-era attacks. Innovators can design solutions that mitigate the challenges people and the health care industry are facing or provide structures that will help the present health care system to reduce the risk of coronavirus.

Business Continuity

Coronavirus outbreak had cast a negative impact on the Bangladesh business industry. It is necessary for all the educational institutes, companies, startups to be able to survive during this critical situation. Innovators can develop solutions that will generate immediate response to the crisis in order to shorten recovery time and mitigate the impact. The new normal plans and architecture will allow the organization to enhance their recovery time and trajectory so that they can begin the exercise of reviewing and renewing their business. It will increase efficiencies and allow to respond more efficiently to future critical incidents.

Innovation in Awareness

With the increasing number of COVID-19 cases, we need to take a proactive approach to help ensure the safety of the community, society and the nation. One of the effective way to ensure safety is to aware people about this. The more aware the people are, the more safety we can ensure. Innovators can develop awareness-building solution or campaign ideas which will help to mitigate the spread of coronavirus and adapt new normal approach.

Prizes & Benefits

🚀 Top 3 Participants will be able to win prizes worth 50,000 BDT each from #NewNormalHackathon to build the product/campaign.

🚀 Top 3 Participants will win mentorship support from community partners.

🚀 Top 3 winners will get 1 years access of OFC.AI from Preneur Lab.


Do I need to have a startup to apply?

No. You just need to have the passion to build a product or design campaign to join the Hackathon.

Is it mandatory to have COVID-19 related ideas or startups?

Yes. As a major pandemic is going on, we are focusing on new normal innovations.

What is “New Normal”?

New Normal is a term that refers to the new way of doing things following the COVID-19 pandemic.

Do I need to be a coder or CSE graduate to be a part of this?

No. Anyone can join and start building a product.

Do I need to have a group or team to join?

At this moment you can join individually. Later, you can form teams or continue as individual as well.

Will I get a certificate?

Yes. All participants submitting a project will receive a certificate.

How the winners will be selected?

A jury board will decide the winners from the pitch session. The criteria of winning will be 1. Innovation in Idea 2. MVP Readiness / Demo 3. Scalability and Impact 4. Skills & Strength 5. Consistency and Engagement in the Hackathon


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Preneur Lab

Preneur Lab is a "technology for social good company" working to empower young people, women and entrepreneurs.


Session 1 Hackathon Announcement July 11
Session 2 Hackathon Begins & Bootcamp July 18
Session 3 Closing of Submission August 14
Session 4 Finale and Pitching Day August 19