About #DigitALL

For innovators, developers, designers, ideators, and entrepreneurs, it is a hybrid bootcamp. Even when you think you are giving it your all, startups have always been difficult, especially for women. But if we are creative, every crisis offers immense opportunity. Now is the moment to get yourselves ready and join #DigitALL. You can build your product, pitch to VCs, attend seminars, learn from the top local and international mentors, and scale/launch your startup by participating in our bootcamp.

Impacts of #DigitALL

Local and international professional mentors will lead the two sessions and one bootcamp of #DigitALL. You can build your product using the knowledge you gain from their experience. There will be opportunities for 1:1 mentoring, networking, and teamwork. The organizers will provide funds, network access, and further support. Top competitors will have the chance to win great prizes and receive assistance in scaling up.

Focus Areas

📢 Tech Startups / 4th Industrial Revolution (AI, AR, VR, Blockchain)
📢 Green technology startups
📢 Environmental startups
📢 IOT/AI/Robotics/EV startups
📢 Female economy startups, and other promising startups

Prizes & Benefits

🎉 Top 3 startups will get support to grow business and scale-up.

🎉 In every session, 3 top active participants will win Entrepreneurship related book set as gifts.

🎉 Top 25 teams will be invited in a physical bootcamp.

🎉 Top participants will be prepared for global accelerators via bootcamp.


Do I need to have a startup to apply?

No. You just need to have the passion to build a product or startup to join the bootcamp.

Is it mandatory to have COVID-19 related ideas or startups?

No. You can have any kind of product idea that you want. As a major pandemic is going on, there will be ideas on new normal innovations but any innovation is welcome.

What is “New Normal”?

New Normal is a term that refers to the new way of doing things following the COVID-19 pandemic.

Is this a hackathon?

This is a bootcamp but this will prepare you to land to 3 hackathons after the bootcamp.

Do I need to be a coder or CSE graduate to be a part of this?

No. Anyone can join including startups, f-Commerce owners, ideators, business professionals, designers etc.

Do I need to have a group or team to join?

At this moment you can join individually. Later, you can form teams or continue as individual as well.

Will I get a certificate?

Yes. Winners of the demo day will win prizes. All participants completing the whole bootcamp will receive a certificate. You have to make sure you attend the sessions online.

How the top startups will be selected?

A jury board will decide the winners evaluating the overall participation in the event and the pitch sessions. The criteria of top participants will be 1. Innovation in Idea 2. Scalability and Impact 3. Skills & Strength 4. Consistency and Engagement in the Bootcamp


Image Description

Preneur Lab

Preneur Lab is a "technology for social good organization" working to empower young people, women and entrepreneurs.

Virtual sessions

Session 1 Basic Skills and Qualities
to Become an Entrepreneur
5th March 2023
Session 2 Market Analysis and its
Strategies for Entrepreneurship
6th March 2023 TBA


7th March 2023

Demo day

12th March 2023