Preneur Lab Youth & Innovation Trust invites artists, cartoonists, illustrators, designers and doodle enthusiasts in Bangladesh to join this initiative. We will be more than delighted to receive artworks as the book cover for the Bangla translated version of the book titled “Peace, Love & Liberty: War is Not Inevitable“.
The winning artwork will be used as the cover art in the upcoming translated book by Preneur Lab Trust. The digital artwork will be also used on our website, social media posts and other spaces.

Winners and Prizes
- Organizers will select a cover as the book design from the entries.
- The winner will receive BDT 10,000 (including VAT/TAX if any).
- The winner will also receive 2 copies of the published book.
- The winning digital artwork will be owned by the Preneur Lab Youth & Innovation Trust and will be used as the book cover.
- The winner will get credits in the book as the cover designer as well.
- The cover design must include the title of the book, which is “শান্তি, ভালবাসা এবং স্বাধীনতা“.
- The theme of the cover can be: Peace, Love, Liberty, Freedom, Youth, Bangladesh. You can research on Google more about the book to understand the context better.
- The design MUST NOT BE just a copy / Bangla adaptation of the original book design. It must be a new innovative design.
- The design will have to have Bangladeshi context as elements.
- The cover design must include both a front and a back cover.
- The cover design must be original and not published before anywhere else.
- Elements, BG or design MUST NOT be directly copied from anywhere including and canva.
- The cover design MUST be in .AI vector format. JPG versions must also be submitted.
- Fonts used in the design MUST be “free to use” and properly outlined in the AI file.
- The cover design submitted should be emailed with designer CV/profile, details and specifications to [email protected]

Terms and Conditions
- The competition is open to anyone who is a Bangladeshi.
- Winner will have to design similar elements for internal book pages if required.
- The winner may require to adapt/modify the design to make sure it can be used as the book cover.
- If the 1st winner fails to do requested changes and adaptations within a given deadline, the next winner in the list will be considered as the winner and so on.
- If any notable design is not found (that can be used as the actual cover), a winner will not be selected or announced.
- The winner or participants will be fully responsible if any copyright claims made by anyone in future.
- The organizer reserves rights to accept or reject any or all entry.
- The organizer reserves rights to modify the terms and conditions and postpone/cancel the contest due to any unavoidable circumstances.
AI and JPG file of the digital artwork should be emailed to [email protected] on or before 19 September 2020. Please write “Preneur Lab Cover Design Contest” as the subject.
[Version 2: Last Updated 5th September 2020.]