Are you tired of watching movies and laying in bed thinking about what I should do next? Then this post will definitely gonna help you! Let’s check this out: Learn a new language : Learning a new language is fun and it can add value to your CV also. There are lots […]
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Youth Career: 5 things you should do now!
30% of the total population is the youth people (15-35 age) in Bangladesh. “Youth” the word represents a person who didn’t reach adulthood yet and it refers to the period before reaching adulthood. It’s a time when a person sets his/her time goals and learns life lessons so that he/she could become an independent person […]
Deepfake Technology: Darker side of Artificial Intelligence
Deepfake technology is a form of faking a photo or video to look like someone else by using advanced artificial intelligence. This technology is growing tremendously and has been repeatedly used to commit financial fraud, political mileage, and to tarnish someone’s image. It creates realistic photos or even videos of people saying or doing something […]