As defined by John McCarthy, a founding member of the discipline of Artificial Intelligence, AI is the science of making intelligent machines or more specifically intelligent computer programs capable of accomplishing a variety of tasks. In society now AI is present, in some form or complexity, in everyday life. Whether it be out daily news […]
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E-Learning and how it is helping us during Covid infected society
With the pandemic of Covid-19 many education institutions have been forced to close down in order to not help in the spreading of this infection. However, that means many students and faculties are now unable to continue with their education and or training. In order to solve this predicament many of the affected institutions have […]
#StartKoro Session 2 Key Learnings
Lessons From Linda Germanis: Sustainable sourcing helps to find quick solutions during crisis situations. Performance of Sustainable companies is higher than in traditional companies. Social activism helps a company to create Brand Value. Provide decent jobs and income by employing inclusively and hiring diversely.. Reduce operational risk, reputational risk and legal risk. There are 5 […]
#StartKoro Announcement 2 : Dashboard : 10 June 2020
Dear Bootcamper, We have launched the #StartKoro dashboard for you. You can see the episodes, get announcements and participate in the quizzes from the dashboard. You can also get the speakers slides who shared their slides with us. If the speakers share their slides later with us we will also update those later on. […]
What does online gaming mean to youths today?
With the developments made in the gaming industries, it is of no wonder that the popularity of online gaming is at an all-time high with no signs of slowing down. Children and adolescents of all age groups are now at a fever pitch to play the newest and most trendy games as soon as it’s […]
Digital Marketing: Innovations in the marketing world
In a broad sense of the word, the digital market is defined as any form of marketing done through the usage of either technologies or the internet. Most businesses now make use of the digital market in a variety of forms such as using search engines, social media, and websites in order to inform and […]
New Innovations for a new world
We are living in a time where the world around us is changing at a rapid pace and in some areas that change is not always for the better. To either match the change or go against it, in some unfortunate cases, we need to be able to create/innovate either technology or programs. What this […]
Startup: What are they and why are they important
Startup or start-up is a company or project initiated by an entrepreneur to seek than develop and or validate a scalable business model. These businesses are created to grow beyond their original owners from the get-go. They are a risky form of business because there is a high chance of failure for them since there […]
Deepfake Technology: What is it and how bad is it?
Deepfake, a combination of deep learning and fake, is the process of making synthetic media by using deep learning, a subset of machine learning, to replace an image or video with someone else’s likeness. The usage of deepfake is most seen in politics and social media. Celebrity sex tapes and political scandals are mostly created […]
Youth Empowerment and How to achieve it
In today’s world, the percentage of the population that can be labeled as youth is around 16% or 1.2 billion people. In Bangladesh, it is around 20% or 30 million as of 2018. The label youth is placed of boys and girls that are within 15 to 24 years of age. This age range is […]
#StartKoro : 1st Announcement : 6 June 2020
Dear Bootcamper, Welcome to #StartKoro! We will have 8 sessions, 2 workshops and a demo day in this bootcamp. To be eligible to win prizes and complete the bootcamp successfully, you will have to take part in all the sessions. If you miss any LIVE session you can watch later on within 36 hours of […]
মহাকাশে মার্কিনদের নতুন অধ্যায়ের সূচনা!
গতকাল শনিবার মার্কিন মহাকাশযান নির্মাতা প্রতিষ্ঠান স্পেসএক্সের একটি রকেটে করে যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের মহাকাশ গবেষণা প্রতিষ্ঠান নাসার দুজন নভোচারী আন্তর্জাতিক মহাকাশ স্টেশনে যাত্রা শুরু করেছেন।ফ্যালকন ৯ রকেটে যে দুইজন নভোচারী আছেন তারা হলেন রবার্ট বেনকেন (৪৯) এবং ডগলাস হারলে(৫৩)। কোনো ব্যক্তিমালিকানাধীন প্রতিষ্ঠানের মহাকাশযানে নভোচারী পাঠানোর ঘটনা ইতিহাসে এটা্ই প্রথম। ফ্লোরিডার কেনেদি স্পেস সেন্টার এর ৩৯এ প্যাড থেকে […]